We all make mistakes. It is ingrained in our being. However, identifying and improving upon our mistakes makes us humans. I am not qualified to give you life lessons. What I can do is give you a game housie or tombola and let you figure it out yourself. Mind you, in this game, prices are for ‘Slowest five’, ‘Empty lines’, and ‘No House!’.
In the card above you will some of the most common mistakes people make. You can download this image and cross the boxes that apply to you. If you have crossed fewer than 5 boxes, you can plot a course for righting your mistakes in a year. But if you have crossed out more than half of those, in short, if you are close to winning this housie you need help!
If you find everything overwhelming, you can reach out to us. And the best part? If you fill this housie and send us a picture, we will consult you for free!
In future, We will make a video explaining how you can tackle each of the personal finance mistakes.